Teaching House Presents

One of the most important things, that I am a great advocate of, in second language acquisition research is “bridging the gap” between the researcher and the practitioner. And rightly so. Sure, it’s exciting when you find something new in the data or in your lab but without a practical application of this find, is it really making a difference?

With this in mind, I’m giving a professional development workshop in London at Oxford House College alongside two great ELT and EAP authors, Fiona Aish and Jo Tomlinson. Without giving too much away, I will be trying to explain why language teachers should be interested in theory, how theory can positively contribute to their classrooms and what they can do to assist and encourage their students’ acquisition. Using data and theory (from Bill VanPatten) from my own PhD research I hope this session will be able to encourage language teachers to think about what goes on inside their learners’ heads.

For tickets (it’s free!) and abstracts, please click here.

I hope to see you on August 23rd in London.



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