Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018

Despite only being able to attend 1 day of the 3 day Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018, I have once again been inspired and encouraged by the variety of new, re-creation of old and improvement of current pedagogies. Worried I would be one of the few that did not have a background in…… Continue reading Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018

SHIFT annual conference of learning and teaching 2018

My reflection on the SHIFT annual conference of learning & teaching.

Teaching House Presents… Harriet Lowe!

For any that missed my Teaching House Presents session, here it is!

Tenselessness Workshop – University of Greenwich 2017

I was delighted to be part of the organising committee for the Tenselessness Workshop run by the Centre for Applied Research and Outreach in Language Education (CAROLE) at the beginning of this month. This workshop brought together a mass of internationally influential authors in Applied Linguistics for a 2-day event regarding Tense and Tenselessness. Day one, we…… Continue reading Tenselessness Workshop – University of Greenwich 2017

Teaching House Presents

Why don’t our learners process all of the linguistic input we present to them? (Well if they did, we’d all be out of a job.) “Processing Instruction” attempts to bridge the gap between the theory and teaching of a second language, with particular focus on the processing of input and how instructors can increase the amount of input processed and retained.